comet.pyhed.hed.reference package


comet.pyhed.hed.reference.dipole1d module

comet.pyhed.hed.reference.homogeneous_fullspace module

Part of comet/pyhed/hed/reference

comet.pyhed.hed.reference.homogeneous_fullspace.hedx_electric(model, f, sigma, I, ds, drop_tol=1e-06)[source]

Analytic calculation of the electric field for an electric dipole in x direction. Formula given in Ward and Hohmann (1988), page 173 number 2.40. Model in cartesian coordinates, as well as the output. Sigma != 0 drop_tol to avoid singularities [1e-6] No grounding!

comet.pyhed.hed.reference.homogeneous_fullspace.hedx_magnetic(model, f, sigma, I, ds, drop_tol=1e-06)[source]

Analytic calculation of the magnatic field for an electric dipole in x direction. Formula given in Ward and Hohmann (1988), page 174 number 2.41. Model in cartesian coordinates, as well as the output. Sigma != 0 drop_tol to avoid singularities [1e-6] No grounding!

comet.pyhed.hed.reference.homogeneous_halfspace module

Part of comet/pyhed/hed/reference

comet.pyhed.hed.reference.homogeneous_halfspace.hed_field(r, f, sigma, phi, I, ds, BorH='B')[source]

Semi analytic solution for electrical and magnetical fields at the surface of a homogeneous halfspace of conductivity sigma.

comet.pyhed.hed.reference.homogeneous_halfspace.hed_field_hohmann(model, f, sigma, I, ds, ftype='H', **kwargs)[source]

semi analytic solution for a magnetic field at the surface of a homogeneous halfspace of conductivity sigma ward hohmann formula: page 235-236 No 4.166, 4.171 and 4.173

E-term: grounding term only (4.159)

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